With Santa Barbaranhons predominantly Roman Catholics, the Municipal Tourism Office spearheads three activities in respect with the celebration of Holy Week. These are the Kapiya Contest, Pasyon Singing Contest and Palm-Leaf Creation. Kapiya and Pasyon-singing contest are century-old traditions observed by Santa Barbaranhons every Holy Week, wherein, the life story of Jesus Christ is foretold through singing with strings as accompaniment. This activity is participated by the different barangays in the town. Palm leaf Creation is another activity wherein old folks compete for the most intricately-designed palm-leaf. This is staged every Palm Sunday to celebrate Christās triumphal entry intro Jerusalem. He was welcomed with a crowd waving palm branches. All these activities are celebrated annually. PASYON The PasyĆ³n is normally heard during Holy Week in the Philippines, where its recitation is known as the PabĆ”sa ("Reading"). The rite can span severa...
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